Adventures with Sanford Holst

Adventures with Sanford Host​

“The day shall not be up so soon as I,
to try the fair adventure of tomorrow.”
— Shakespeare

These are some of the remarkable people and adventures encountered during the course of a long life of exploring around the world. Sometimes the pursuit of history and answers to long-lived questions goes according to plan . . . and other times it runs in some crazy direction and carries you along with it.

The strange thing you discover as the years roll by is that the good things you hoped for are often replaced by great things you never imagined. On those days you just deal with what comes up as best you can and see what happens. Those are the days when lasting memories are made.

A walk along the road less traveled

Strange encounters in Alexandria, Egypt

It was just a walk in Alexandria past the heavily-guarded Naval Academy, along the off-limits parts of the harbor, and then into an out-of-control taxi ride down a rabbit-warren of back streets during Muslim prayer time. What could possibly go wrong?

With Reuven Hazak of Israel’s Shin Bet

All the years we worked together Reuven never mentioned the time he stood up for Arabic people who were taken off Bus 300 in Israel and shot. Even when a movie was made of his brave stand, not a word was said. Then one day in Tel Aviv airport I discovered what that really meant.

With Christos Doumas among new Santorini frescoes

How can one get to spend time with a person such as Christos Doumas who is sought after by art-and-history lovers all over the world? If something is meant to be, it just happens. And what a marvelous revelation he shared with someone he felt would really appreciate it.

Don’t miss it!

Get a special copy signed by the author

A book-reading, conversations on relevant topics, and signing for any of the author’s books.

Nov. 1

1318 Third Street Promenade, Santa Monica, CA 90401, United States